Lasik Surgery: Is The Choice Right For You?
Columbia, S.C. – People who are fed up with their dependency on prescription glasses or contacts to see clearly may find a very viable option exists to help them address concerns once and for all. Lasik surgery has been used for decades to help people walk away from corrective lenses. Simple, fast and pain-free, this minimally invasive procedure has an extremely high rate of success. Even so, not everyone who might be a candidate for the procedure understands the benefits it might deliver.
“Lasik has an extremely high track record of success,” say the doctors at The Eye Center. “This simple, outpatient procedure can produce tremendous vision improvements in the matter of minutes.”
People who are considering Lasik will find the procedure is actually very straightforward. The surgery involves reshaping the cornea to better refract light. It is designed to address such concerns as near and farsightedness and astigmatism. The procedure generally takes place in an outpatient facility where patients will find they are kept awake throughout the process, which typically only takes a few minutes per eye.
The procedure begins with the use of a numbing agent to ensure patients feel no pain as the surgeon use a laser to gently and precisely reshape the cornea. Most patients report only minor discomfort throughout the procedure and typically notice vision improvements almost immediately. Recovery generally only takes a few days with most patients back at their typical routines within a day.
“Within a matter of minutes patients can walk away from a lifetime dependency on prescription lenses,” say the doctors at the eye center. “While outcomes cannot be guaranteed, the vast majority of patients enjoy results between 20/20 and 20/40 vision.”
Lasik surgery isn’t an option for everyone. Ideal candidates are typically at least 21 years of age and in generally good health. People with certain chronic conditions and other concerns may not be good candidates. Qualified eye surgeons can help people interested in pursuing Lasik determine if they are good candidates. For those who may not be good fits for Lasik, other surgical options may still exist.
To find out more about laser eye surgery, its benefits and what to expect, reach out to the doctors at The Eye Center or visit the practice online at
About The Eye Center
The Eye Center is the leading refractive practice in South Carolina, providing full service eye care and specializing in Refractive Surgery – Lasik, AST, PRK, PRELEX, as well as Corneal Transplant and Cataract Surgery.