
Getting Ready for Cataract Surgery

Cataracts – a clouding of the eye’s natural lens – are a common condition that can develop as the eyes age. The lens is located behind the iris and works to focus light on the retina. When the lens cloud over, vision is compromised and the patient can experience blurriness and often glare from lights. Cataract surgery, however, can restore vision to full clarity with one of the most commonly performed eye procedures today.

How does it work?
Cataract surgery takes less than 20 minutes and is painless and enormously effective. During the surgery, a tiny incision is made and the natural lens is broken up with ultrasound and removed. In its place, an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is placed in the eye.

The IOL can be customized to address each patient’s specific prescription needs. So cataract surgery can not only offer clearer vision through the replacement of the lens but also address vision needs that existed prior to the development of cataracts.

What to know.
Cataract surgery has been performed on millions of patients and is a safe and relatively routine procedure that has been perfected over the years. The surgery itself is painless and performed on an outpatient basis.

How should you prepare?
First and foremost, your eye doctor will perform a series of tests prior to the procedure to determine the shape and size of your eye so that the proper intraocular lens can be prepared. In preparation for the surgery itself, you may be advised to stop taking certain medications that could potentially cause a higher risk of bleeding. Additionally, you will likely be asked to fast prior to the procedure. Finally, antibiotics eyedrops will be prescribed to support healing following the procedure.

In the end, the result is clearer vision achieved through a fast and easy procedure that continues to help millions of people.

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