
How to Protect Your Eyes from the Winter Air and Its Effects

When outdoor temperatures drop drastically during winter, the air gets colder without much humidity. With the cold winds outdoors, it can dehydrate your eyes and skin, which require ample moisture to stay healthy.
Exposing your eyes to cool, dry air makes them lose their moisture content due to evaporation. This leads to excessive dehydration and eventual eye irritation.

Therefore, when the temperatures start plummeting, you need to take care of your eye health. Here are tips during winter to help you enhance your eye health.

  • Minimize Usage of Digital Devices – Since you spend a lot of time indoors, you tend to use your laptop, phone, computer, or tablet more often. Spending long periods of time looking at these screens may also make your eyes tired, which can cause headaches. While using your electronic devices, make sure you take breaks from the screen regularly. Observe the 20-20 rule. Break away from the screen and look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will help minimize eye strain.
  • Use UV-Protected Glasses – Even in winter, the sun still emits UV rays, which are reflected back by the snow. This makes UV rays dangerous to your eyes. Polarized glasses can help you protect them from UV rays and glare.
  • Eat Health – Diet plays a vital role in your visual health. Hydrate yourself by trying to drink at least eight glasses of water daily to lubricate your eyes and body. Cold water fish has omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to retain eye moisture. Cold water fish includes mackerel, tuna, and halibut. These will help provide moisture for your eyes during winter.
  • Use the Humidifier – We use appliances like radiators and heaters when staying indoors during winter. What you don’t know is that these appliances take moisture out of the air, causing your eyes to be dry and irritable. To protect your eyes, stay far from heaters or use a humidifier to help regulate the room’s air flow and add moisture to the air.
  • Following these tips will help to keep your eyes healthy and safe during winter.

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