
Standard vs. Advanced Intraocular Lens Implants: Which Option is Best for You?

When you’re undergoing cataract surgery, you have some options. These are the differences and benefits of standard vs. advanced intraocular lens implants. Intraocular lens implants, or IOLs, are a standard part of cataract surgery in Columbia, SC. These artificial lenses replace the damaged lens removed during the surgery, restoring your vision to what it once was.

What are the Differences

Until recently, cataract surgery at our Columbia, SC eye clinic, could correct only your long-distance vision. However, through new developments in technology, you can now correct your short-distance vision and even astigmatism! When you receive cataract treatment in Columbia, SC, the doctor will ask if you prefer a standard or advanced IOL. Here are the differences:

  • Standard IOLs – These used to be the only option for those undergoing cataract surgery in Columbia, SC. These implants are typically covered by private insurance companies and Medicare, and offer improved long-distance vision for patients not affected by astigmatism. Patients will typically still need glasses to see up close, and those who have astigmatism may still need them for both short and long-distance vision.
  • Advanced IOLs – Advanced implants can correct long and short distance vision, eliminating the need for glasses. Under most circumstances, the visit for cataract treatment in Columbia, SC, will be covered by insurance. The implant itself, however, will not be. At our Columbia, SC eye clinic, we offer a few different options for advanced IOLs. Some of these include:
  • Tecnis Multifocal Lenses – correct vision using proportioned visual zones.
  • Toric Lenses – correct both vision and astigmatism.

If you’re seeking cataract treatment in Columbia, SC, one of the most important steps to take is deciding which type of implant to choose. No matter your choice, you’re sure to love your new life with improved vision!

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